great show last night in this sold out, beautiful, acoustically sweet, 600 seat theatre within louisville's kentucky center for the performing arts. juicy had the room mixed perfectly and K&L&M&J delivered a beautiful, pretty diverse set including; including kicking off the show w/the surprising and stunning cover of "motherless child," many of the usual choices from TTC + "jesus in new orleans" (linford discussed that the ani tour would be their first return to NO since katrina), "cruel & pretty" followed by, at linford's request, "cast me away" (just K&L), a beautiful "etc whatever" (again, just K&L), "suitcase" and a wailing "b.p.d."
oh, and ben sollee rocked the fucking joint opening. a-damn-mazing set. this kid is a star.
he's opening for kim taylor next saturday night @ the northside tavern in cincinnati, can't wait to see him again.
ok, i had two "firsts" yesterday, one of them was hell, the second made hell worthwhile...
the first first, "hell" was driving into and then hanging out in -2 degree weather (-42 w/windchill, the "good" news, it was supposed to be -8 ) in the legitimately named "windy city", the second was the cure for "hell" (and the sole reason for deciding to drive to a frigid chicago in early february for "fun")...spending the evening w/the talented and lovely chan marshall, aka: cat power.
she and the dirty delta blues band came out after a (too long) set by the completely dreadful opener "appaloosa" and played about a 2 hr set culled mostly from "jukebox." the vic is a pretty rundown older theatre in the lincoln park neighborhood of chicago, kind of a nice dive with great sound kind of place.
we chose to sit in the balcony when we figured out that we would be able to score front row up there as opposed to standing with about 1,200-1,300 people downstairs. as i said the audio was great, the audience was great, quiet, and most importantly, respectful and very appreciative. the set was mostly from "jukebox" and a few songs from "the greatest." the band was pretty amazing, w/judah bower and greg forman as standouts on lead guitar and keys respectively. and chan, what can i say, she was brilliant, mesmerizing...perfect. from the voice (i mean "the" voice), to her awkwardly sexy movements/dancing, she performed the majority of the show from the very front of the stage (standing in front of the monitors) making eye contact, smiling and waving at those down front (ok, maybe the balcony wasn't such a good idea ) and the rest of the show she danced, glided, slid, sat, rolled and made full use of the large and open area of the stage. basically, she (they) nailed it, every aspect of the show, nailed. perfect. excellent.
they played for about 1:50 and didn't do an encore but after she walked offstage and came back a couple of seconds later with an armful of tour t-shirts and started throwing them out to the audience, smiling, laughing and playing w/the crowd, nobody really seemed to mind.
i've been a fan of her's for quite a while, since "you are free" and this was the first time i have had the opportunity to experience her live. it will not be the last.
like him or not, you gotta admit, this is a pretty stirring piece of work...
fwiw, i like him. i wanna be FOR someone this time, not against someone. i like hillary too. unfortunately, due to this crazy assed primary set-up, i'll probably never have to choose between them, other than symbolically. by the time our primary rolls 'round, the decision will have long been made. [EDITED TO ADD: well...maybe not!]
i feel that on many important decisions facing the next president like; iraq, the economy, security, judges, taxes, immigration, the infrastructure of this country (or we continue to blow up and then rebuild highways, bridges, schools and fire stations in iraq while our's crumble here, masters of war indeed) etc., that i would find similar acceptable results from both obama and hillary. but, i do feel strongly that health care and insurance is one of the single biggest issues and potential disasters facing this country and that some sort of health care reform has a greater possibility of getting passed under a clinton administration than any other. she has been a long time very vocal advocate and it is important to me personally.
but, i do love the passion, hope and fire in his voice, i do love that he's inspiring and getting young people involved. very kennedy-esque. i'd love to see them on a ticket together, not saying who'd be "on top," but i think they'd be tough to beat.