Wednesday, July 04, 2007

the fourth of july, 2007 - a nation in distress

looking at our country on this independence day, our founding fathers are probably rolling over in their graves at what we have become. hundreds of thousands have sacrificed and given their lives over hundreds of years to give us freedom, liberty, justice and honor. and we've allowed a small group of elitist mama's boys and their thugs to steal much of our birthright away in a little over six short years. the work of hundreds of years, thousands of lives, slipping away in six short years. and we sit back and continue to allow it to happen, many justify and excuse it happening in the name of fear, and in the fear of terror. and worst of all, they package and sell it to the masses under the name of "patriotism." afterall... they tell us either "you're with us or you're against us."

yet the leaders of my own country have done more to take away my freedom and that of my fellow citizens than any outside force. our leaders do more to spread fear and terrorize the people of our country and the world than any terrorist. and we sit back and continue to allow it to happen.

we are a divided nation, our worst enemies could not have done a better job dividing us as a people than our own president and vice-presiden have done. creating wedges and scars so deep that they may never heal, all in the name of greed, power and politics. our own leaders have become our worst enemy. and still, we continue to allow it to happen.

with the apathetic, lethargic and selfish state of this country at this point in our history and paris, lindsey, britney and i-phones passing for news and "high crimes and misdemeanors" by our leaders virtually ignored or just blindly accepeted as a fact of life. it's slight-of-hand, simple distraction and deception. we accept (and care more) that paris hilton gets more jail time (and news coverage) for a driving with suspended drivers license than does a man who outed an active CIA agent, from the inside the white house no less, and who's sentence was then commuted by the president. for a crime that earlier he himself labelled as possibly "a treasonous act." and we watch. and we tolerate. and we forget. and we move on. waiting for the next "thing" to happen, and yes, we'll allow it once again.

the only solution (imho) is drastic action, nothing short of the impeachment and removal of office of this president and vice president will help get us back on track. and i'm not holding my breath for that, we're just too distracted, disconnected and lazy as a people to pull it off. people will stand in line for a week to get an i-phone but won't stand in the heat for 2 hours to protest an illegal war. they will blog, text and e-mail about lindsey's rehab stunts or whether britney wore panties out to party last weekend, but won't write their congressman or senator in protest. hell, most probably don't even know their elected representatives name. as someone said, again sadly, it looks like we get what we deserve. or at least what we tolerate. and imho, toleration is acceptance.

and whatever happens, if it should ever happen, cheney must go first. as bad as it is currently, and it is horrific, the worst thing i can imagine is bush's removal from office with cheney as the sitting vice president. talk about catastrophic.

sadly, i think 01.20.09, the day a new president is sworn in, is the best we can hope for, if we make it that long. that or maybe that this democratic congress that will finally grow some balls (and chop off "w" and dick's huge brass ones) and do what they were elected to do. and firmly place him/them in lame duck status until then.

then hopefully, at a minimum, we as a country (or the world) prosecute the fuck out of them for the "high crimes and misdemeanors" that that they have committed against their own citizenry and the citizens of world and they live the rest of their lives in the humiliation and contempt that they so richly deserve.

oh well, that was pretty heavy. and it's a holiday...go drink a beer, shoot your fireworks and celebrate. that is what this holiday is all about, isn't it? but today, on this day we celebrate our freedom, ask yourself, when will we step up as a people? what is it going to take? when will we stand up and say NO, this must stop, we will not allow this to happen in our name any longer?

Nothing Is Innocent
from The Trumpet Child

We’d wake the dead
With voices in our head
We’ve gotten used to ignoring the truth

We close our eyes
And breathe and eat the lies
That tell us we’re so much better than you

Silence is loud
Humility is so proud
Nothing is innocent now

All the king’s men
Will serve scrambled eggs again
When white-washed walls come crashing down

We’ll blink and nod
And say, How odd
And wonder why old friends don’t come around

Silence is loud
Humility is so proud
Nothing is innocent now

The acid rain
We fear the pain
Will blister and burn the skin

But what is more
The fear we bore
Will eat us alive from within

Silence is loud
Humility is so proud
Nothing is innocent now

For you and me
In the land of the free
Is anything innocent now?

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